Discussion Topic: Do My Actions Make a Difference?

Climate Activism, Coalitions and Climate Justice
Climate change and how humanity addresses it, is the defining issue of our age. Put briefly, humanity is on a trajectory to destroy the habitability of our planet and to precipitate the largest mass extinction of species in the last 65 million years, including, perhaps, our own. Notwithstanding t...

Reducing One’s Carbon Footprint
Rising global temperatures threaten an array of alarming consequences, from the eradication of animal and plant species due to habitat loss, through to millions of human deaths due to increasingly frequent natural disasters and the spread of disease (among other things). The ideal solution would alm...

A ‘Fair Share’ Approach to Individual Carbon Emissions
A lot has been said about the moral obligations of states, sub-state actors (such as local governments), and industries to curb their carbon emissions. It might seem that this would entail a similar obligation for us, as individuals, to address our own personal emissions. But how might we ar...

Duties to Agitate
The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2018) makes it clear that states are simply not doing enough to address the threat posed by . The consequences are potentially catastrophic (IPCC 2014). They also give rise to several important philosophical questions. Amongs...