Data Visualisation
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Export Emission Tool
The export emissions tool displays the emissions produced from the fossil fuels exported from Australia, Norway, Canada, the USA and Russia. The tool shows exported CO2-e and allows the user to view the exported emissions produced by fuel, year and country.
- Export emissions
- Emissions over time
- Other nations comparison
- Paris target emissions
- Global emissions comparison

Carbon Majors
- Top Ten Carbon Majors
- Carbon Majors In Global Context
- Compared With Global Emissions
- Glencore Reserves And Resources
Data Methodology

Export Emissions Methodology
Methodology for the export emissions Sources The Australian fossil fuel export data come from the Department of Environment and Energy1 (DEE), the Office of the Chief Economist2 (OCE) and the International Energy Association3 (IEA). The DEE publishes data for each financial year on the total exp...

Terms and Definitions
Fossil fuel export emissions: Fossil fuel export emissions are defined as the emissions from fossil fuel exports that are fully combusted. It is assumed that all fossil fuel exported is combusted. Global carbon budget: See explainer ‘Carbon budgets and national emissions’ H...