Export Emissions Brief
Download our report brief here
• A focus on fossil fuel exports is crucial if
the world is to meet meaningful emissions
reductions targets.
• Currently high-income exporters such as
Australia, Canada, Norway and the United
States do not accept any liability for the harms
that their fossil fuel exports cause.
• The cumulative emissions associated with fossil
fuel exports from just these four countries
over the next 7 years (to 2030) is equivalent
to around 11% of the remaining global carbon
• The emissions generated by fossil fuel exports of
Australia, Norway and Canada are much greater
than those generated domestically. For every
unit of CO2 emitted in country Australia exports
over three units and Norway exports almost 13
• These states need to lead the way through a
rapid phase out of fossil fuel exports. This phase
out must also become a key focus of global
climate negotiations at COP.